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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Ostara Systems Ltd is committed to operating in a way that is not only right for employees, customers and suppliers, but also with the aim to make a positive contribution to society and to take good care of the environment. It is about living the values and principles that preside over the way we operate as a company and as individuals within our company.

  • We accept and support the principles contained in the United Nation’s Global Compact regarding positive progress and specifically defined expectations in areas such as human rights, labour, education, poverty, health, the environment and anti-corruption
  • We take action to minimise impacts on the environment and to actively promote technological advances that will lead to sustainable improvements. In addition, we develop and implement systems that enable companies to adhere to and demonstrate their compliance to relevant legislation.
  • We are committed to supporting causes that are suggested and endorsed by our team – see our Charities page for more details on the fantastic causes we support.

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